Shared services & energy costs
We saved one client $45,000 pa
Our investigation found that the residential strata plan has been paying for the electricity usage of an air-conditioning system (condenser water loop) that was supplying commercial lots.
We conducted a detailed site investigation including data logging to identify and demonstrate this, and determine the costs attributable to the commercial entity. We were able to save the residential strata plan $45,000 per year.
Shared Services energy costs
Many apartment buildings are complex sites. There may be multiple strata plans. There may be a mix of residential strata plans and other entities such as commercial, retail, hotel, and car park. That may also operate under their own strata plans. Your site may operate as a Building Management Committee (BMC) or Community Association (CA).
These sites will have a strata management statement that outlines the shared services.
And outlines the % of costs for each shared service. That must be paid by each strata plan / entity. This cost can be for maintenance as well as operating costs. I.e. Electricity and gas.
The electricity and gas costs for shared services can be very high.
This information is outlined in a Schedule with a list of costs for shared facilities.
The % of costs attributable to each entity (i.e your apartment building) is typically set up by the developer. Often this % does not reflect the operation of your site. Often the % allocation of costs is not set up fairly or equally.
Many apartment buildings are paying way too much for shared services.
Stop paying too much for shared services
We conduct detailed energy reconciliation to identify shared services and the % attributable to each strata plan
We can help
Our energy reconciliation service will:
Collect and analysis energy usage and cost data.
Conduct a detailed site inspection to identify central services that are shared. And central services that are only used by one entity.
Determine the energy usage, and energy costs of each central service (for example car park fans, exterior lights, pumps, air-conditioning systems, pool).
Where necessary install data loggers to accurately measure electricity of equipment / circuits / boards.
Assess the strata management statement and schedule of cost allocations of shared services.
Propose a new, fairer allocation of costs to each strata plan / entity.
Develop a new recommended schedule of cost allocation for shared services.
Highlight any issues and opportunities e.g. a need to install sub-meters to measure the energy usage of equipment.
Provide a detailed comprehensive report.